Feather-Crusted Apple-Pecan-Rosemary Pie

Admittedly, it seems trivial to post anything. My friends’ whose children are still in an orphanage in India are at sanitation risks bc of the flooding in Chennai. The planet is on the brink of war. My new friends in Nepal are facing shortages of fuel, medicines, and other basic resources. My heart breaks not only for Paris but also for the people who are scoffing at those who pray for them. The world is so broken and hurting. I have control over NOTHING. But I guess I’ve always loved baking because of what a comfort it is to both create and eat. Comfort food is a real thing! This weekend my family celebrated our Thanksgiving, and it was so much fun. This is what I made for them. I really loved being in the kitchen and making this, and even more I loved laughing with my siblings while we sat in the kitchen and ate it. It was a good time in the midst of a bunch of bad things. They really loved this pie, I hope you do too! ApplePecanRosemaryPie3
Double-crust Pâte Brisée (I use Martha’s every time, but you can use prepared store-bought too!)
1 stick of butter
4 tbs AP flour
1/3 cup water
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp allspice
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
6 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, and sliced
1/2 cup (or more!) pecans
Couple sprigs of fresh rosemary, removed from the stalk and roughly chopped
1 egg, beaten
1-2 tbs raw sugar
-In a large sauce pan or stock pot, melt the stick of butter on medium heat. Once melted, sprinkle in flour and stir until thick.
-Pour in water.
-Stir in sugars and spices and whisk until thoroughly incorporated.
-Add apples, pecans, and most of the rosemary into the sauce pan and coat thoroughly with the glaze.
-Let the apples hang out in the sauce pan on medium-low while you prepare the pie dough, stirring occasionally.
-Turn oven on to 425F.
-Roll out half of the pâte brisée on a floured surface; transfer to pie dish by loosely rolling the dough onto your rolling pin and rolling to over the pie dish. Press into dish and make holes with the tines of a fork.
-Create feathered crust by cutting feathers out free-hand with a pairing knife. Use a dull table knife to make the patterns on the top of each feather. Create a feathered look around the edges by cutting small notches out with the pairing knife. (See detailed photo below.)
-Add filling.
-Lay feathers on top of filling. Brush with egg wash and sprinkle with raw sugar and the remaining rosemary.
-Bake at 425F for 10 minutes, then turn oven down to 350F and bake for another 45-50 minutes.

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