Kiss kiss. Hug hug. Little hug. Big kiss. Big kiss. Little Hug.


This year for Valentine’s Day, I took a cue from Bakerella, one of my fave bloggers, and made some the most adorable Oreo Truffles you could ever hope to receive from your dearly beloved. I shaped them into jumbo-sized Hershey Kisses, wrapped them in aluminum foil, and made little flags that had an inside joke written on them. I gave several to the hubby so he could keep them stashed at work and think of his wifey, but since the recipe made so many, I gave them to some of friends and co-workers. I know it sounds so cliche, but they were so much fun to give! One of the gals at the office, my associate editor Karen, even kept her foil and flag and perched it on her desk. The inside jokes were as big of a hit as the goodness underneath it. Some of my faves are posted below:

Click here for Bakerella’s super cute blog and her Oreo Truffle Kiss recipe.


These are the ones I made for Zack. Aren’t they cute on my kate spade china?


For both Erin Moon and Stacey Norwood.


Another classic quote from The Office that I gave to Brandie, and “now we match! yay!” for Ruth (a quote from Meet the Spartans).


All boxed up and ready to go to work to spread the love.

3 thoughts on “Kiss kiss. Hug hug. Little hug. Big kiss. Big kiss. Little Hug.

  1. That’s such a cute idea for the truffles. I may have to try that. I make these every year for Christmas, but maybe I’ll add that to my Valentine’s Day treats.

  2. excellent!i always take something different for holidays to my friends at we have a pony birthday sept 22 for a 4 year old.thanks

  3. Pingback: 100th post « Baked in Birmingham

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